Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fortune Cookies

CaraBeth is sharing "fortune cookies" with her mom's day out class today. Meghan and I made the cookies last night and put a Bible verse inside each one (Psalm 139:14). CaraBeth will share the cookies and also show her friends some pictures from our original "Gotcha Day". The little ones won't understand what all of it means, but it's important for CaraBeth to be able to share her story. This is a great way to start!


Sandie said...

Very precious!!! I know she had a big time sharing!!!!

Jennifer said...

What a great idea! You'll have to share your fortune cookie recipe. I've never made those and it sounds fun. :)

Rmomof3 said...

I bet she had a BLAST - telling all about her life and sharing the cookies! What fun!
I am with Jennifer - please share the recipe!

Kim said...

I love that idea! CaraBeth is blessed to have you all!!!